Contoh Sasaran Mutu Isotope


“The International Initiative Co-operation and Collaboration for Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy”Executive SummaryThe Partitioning and Transmutation (P&T) option as an alternative Waste Management Strategy is examined in this papers along different lines. The International collaboration for advanced reactor and fuel cycle development such as INPRO and GIF also address in this papers together with the cooperation between INPRO and GIF to avoid overlapping. The global suggestion for peaceful uses of nuclear energy, such as MNA and GNEP also describe in this paper together with pros and cons.

  1. Contoh Sasaran Mutu Isotopes

The last of this final term paper is the description on importance of promoting the Co-operation and Collaboration for Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy together with several recommendation for the international community to urgently address several issues.1. The Role and Methodology of partitioning and transmutation (P&T) of spent fuelThe first approach is a global analysis of the present situation in the backend of the fuel cycle where it appears that two opposite concepts (direct disposal versus reprocessing and PU reuse) are equally important on the world scene. In order to allow P&T to be fully developed a doubling of the present conventional reprocessing capacity is required. The radioactive source term with long term implications is discussed and the relative importance of each of the long lived nuclides is quantified on the basis of their hazard index and its evaluation as a function of cooling time. The radiochemical and nuclear engineering data of Minor Actinides (MA) and Long Lived Fission Products (LLFP) show that, on the basis of their radio-toxicity indexes, the Pu 241 – Am 241 – Np 237 sequence has the greatest radiological impact followed by Am 243 as a precursor of Pu 239. In order to reduce HLLW to an actinide concentration level which is compatible with surface storage, very high DF’s are to be obtained.

However a more reasonable approach is to reduce the concentration of MA and LLFP in a waste repository with a factor between 10 and 100 depending on the critical nuclide and on the prevailing hydrogeologic conditions. The reduction of the nuclide inventory will decrease the potential risk in the 1000 to 10.000 years period and reduce the time interval during which the proportionally decreased source term will determine the radiological impact of the repository on the geosphere.The second field influencing the P&T option is the partitioning feasibility. Though extensive studies have been published on the partitioning of MA and LLFP an important effort will have to be accomplished in order to make the P&T option technologically valid. In the context of improved reprocessing the Np extraction deserves the first attention in order to quantitatively reroute this nuclide in one waste- or product stream, where it can be used as a starting point for transmutation operations.

The extraction of Am – Cm from HLLW is still in the laboratory development stage but it appears that the coupling of an improved PUREX process flow sheet with the TRUEX process is capable of achieving a significant decontamination. The main issue to be resolved is the Am Cm / Rare Earth separation for which no fully satisfactory method is available. Among the LLFP, I-129 and Tc-99 are the most important ones and methods exist to transform them into a target for eventual transmutation. Other LLFP have only a limited radiological impact or cannot be separated unless isotopic separation is performed.The third aspect of P&T is conditioning and fuel fabrication of MA which is the critical steps before transmutation can be envisaged. Np 237 can be homogeneously mixed with MOX fuel and submitted to irradiation in LWR and/or FBR’s, but the subsequent recycle operations will have to take into account increased Pu 238 concentration.

Am – Cm recycle undoubtedly is the most difficult step since the separation from Rare Earths has not yet been accomplished on pilot scale and that a completely new remote handling technology has to be developed for that purpose. Pyrometallurgical processing of spent fuel to transform the MA into a new metal-alloy-type fuel is a new venture which needs a very large R&D effort to become comparable in confidence level with aqueous recycle methods.The last and most important aspect of P&T is transmutation, which covers two distinct concepts: transmutation to a short lived actinide and/or incineration to fission products.


Transmutation in LWR’S and HFR’s involves the transformation of Np 237 into Pu 238 and a buildup of a heavier isotope fraction of Am-Cm. Homogeneous recycling of MA in FBR’s is from reactor physics point of view feasible and the output of 6 LWR’S can be transmuted in one FBR of the same power. Heterogeneous recycle in FBR’s has principle advantages from fuel fabrication point of view but critical thermo-hydraulic problems have been encountered in the fuel assembly design. LMR’s and particularly ABR’s are the most suitable answers to the transmutation issue since their “incineration” potential is by far the highest among the fast reactors. The transmutation yield is yet limited to about 10% per year which implies long transmutation periods for a given MA inventory.

Accelerator driven transmutation is the most challenging option which will require very long R&D efforts to upgrade the high energy physics machines to production tools which can be operated in conjunction with a large nuclear inventory of MA arranged as a subcritical reactor vessel surrounding the proton beam inlet. The extreme high neutron fluxes attainable in such facilities provide a new outcome for long lived fission product transmutation.2. International collaboration for advanced reactor and fuel cycle development.2.1. International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO)The 21 st century will have the most competitive, globalized markets in human history, the most rapid pace of technological change ever, and the greatest expansion of energy use, particularly in developing countries. As IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei said at the 50th IAEA General Conference, in September 2006, technological and institutional innovation is a key factor in ensuring the benefit from the use of nuclear energy for sustainability.The International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) was initiated in 2001, on the basis of a resolution of the IAEA General Conference in 2000 GC(44)/RES/21. INPRO activities have since been continuously endorsed by resolutions of the IAEA General Conferences and by the General Assembly of the United Nations.INPRO provides an open international forum for studying nuclear energy options, the associated requirements and the potential deployment of innovative nuclear energy systems in IAEA Member States. New Licensing System for Nuclear Reactor in Indonesia1.

IntroductionIn the Presidential Regulation No. 5 Year 2006 on National Energy Policy 2025 states that national electricity plan up to 2025 includes 2% nuclear energy options. Furthermore, the Blue Print on national Energy management issued by Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, has established a program on the construction and operation of NPP.

To meet the national electricity demands, one out of four NPPs be operated in the year 2016.To face the construction and operation those NPPs, BAPETEN as the regulatory body performs preparations of NPPs controlling infrastructure, through establishment of regulations, licensing, review and assessment, and inspection and enforcement. Hence, it is implementing the Act No. 10 year 1997 on Nuclear Energy.To implement article 3 paragraph 3 of Act No.10 year 1997 on Nuclear Energy, the Government Regulations No. 43 Year 2006 on the Licensing of Nuclear Reactor has been issued in December 2006. This government regulates the licensing of nuclear reactors including NPPs. The government regulations objective is to regulate the licensing of the constructions, operation and decommissioning of nuclear reactor, in order to ensure the safety and health of workers, members of the public, as well as the protection of the environment and the security of nuclear Installations and materials.2. LicensingNuclear reactor to be licensed are: (a) Commercial and non commercial power reactors, and (b) Commercial and non commercial non power reactors.

Commercial power reactor shall only be constructed based on proven technology.The construction, operation and decommissioning of non-commercial power reactor or non-commercial non-power reactor are carried out by the promoting body which can cooperate with other government agencies and states universities. And the construction, operation and decommissioning of commercial power or non power, such as a nuclear power plant, is established by Ministry of energy after consulting with House of Parliament.The operating organizations that will perform the constructing, operation and decommissioning nuclear reactor as stipulated in the article 5 shall have a license from Chairman of BAPETEN. This license is issued in several stages, including: (a) site licensing, (b) construction license, (c) commissioning license, (d) operating license, and (d) decommissioning license. The operating organization has fulfilled the administrative and technical requirement.2.1. Site LicenseBefore submitting the applications of site license, the applicant shall perform site evaluation.

And this site evaluation can only be conducted after fulfilling the requirements on site evaluation. More detail of those requirements on site evaluation will be further regulated in the chairman of BAPETEN regulation. In applying site license, the applicant shall submit an application to the chairman of BAPETEN.

After receiving the site license application document further BAPETEN will conduct review and assessment. If the application fulfill the requirement and technical acceptance criteria BAPETEN will stipulated the license for the site.2.2. Construction LicenseThe applicant shall submit an application for the construction license in a period of maximum 4 (four) year after the issuance of site license. This application is submitted to the Chairman of BAPETEN by attaching the administrative and technical requirement. After receiving the construction license application document further BAPETEN will conduct review and assessment.

If the application fulfill the requirement and technical acceptance criteria BAPETEN will stipulated the license for construction. The construction license is valid for period of maximum 5 (five) year since the issued date.2.3.

Commissioning LicenseAn application for commissioning license could be submitted to the Chairman of BAPETEN when: (a) the construction activities have completed; (b) the applicant has already had possessed the license to utilize nuclear material; and (c) the reactor operator possessed the license. This application is submitted to the chairman by attaching the administrative and technical requirement. After receiving the Commissioning license application document further BAPETEN will conduct review and assessment.

If the application fulfill the requirement and technical acceptance criteria BAPETEN will stipulated the license for Commissioning. The Commissioning license is valid for period of maximum 2 (two) year since the issued date.2.4. Operation LicenseThe applicant may submit an application for an application for an operation license to the chairman of BAPETEN when: (a) the Commissioning activities have completed; (b) the applicant has already had possessed the license to utilize nuclear material; and (c) the reactor operator possessed the license. This application is submitted to the chairman by attaching the administrative and technical requirement. After receiving the operation license application document further BAPETEN will conduct review and assessment.

If the application fulfill the requirement and technical acceptance criteria BAPETEN will stipulated the license for Operation. The Operation license is valid for period of maximum 40 (forty) year since the issued date.2.5.

Combined Operation LicenseFor nuclear reactor with modular design certificate by vendor regulatory body, the applicant may submit an application for combined license after possessing site license. The combined license is a combination of construction, commissioning and operation license. And the applicant shall submit an application of combine license within maximum period of 2 (two) year since the issuance of the site license. When the applicant does not apply for combined license within the period of 2 year, the site license is declared not valid.This application is submitted to the chairman by attaching the administrative and technical requirement. After receiving the operation license application document further BAPETEN will conduct review and assessment. If the application fulfill the requirement and technical acceptance criteria BAPETEN will stipulated the Combine Operation license.

Contoh Sasaran Mutu Isotopes

The Combine Operation license is valid for period of maximum 45 (forty five) year since the issued date.2.6. Decommissioning LicenseDecommissioning activities shall performed when: (a) Nuclear employer apply, before operation license or combined operation license expired; (b) Nuclear employers will not renew the operation license or combined operation license; (c) Application for operation and combine operation license renewal is refused by the chairman of BAPETEN based on the safety and/or security problems; or (d) There is severe accident or an event threatening the safety and/or security of nuclear reactor operation. This application is submitted to the chairman by attaching the administrative and technical requirement. After receiving the operation license application document further BAPETEN will conduct review and assessment. If the application fulfill the requirement and technical acceptance criteria BAPETEN will stipulated the license for Decommissioning. The Decommissioning license is valid from the issued date until the declaration of the free radiation and contamination release of site is issued by the Chairman of BAPETEN.2.7. Termination of LicenseThe termination of license, which is not applied for the site and decommissioning license, is subject to: (a) the expiration of the license; (b) the nuclear employer go bankrupt; (c) license revoking by BAPETEN; or (d) an application by the nuclear employers.In the case the license termination as mentioned above, the nuclear employers still have the responsibility for the performing of decommissioning and management of nuclear reactor, nuclear fuel, and radioactive waste complying with applied regulations.3.

ModificationThe nuclear reactor license could perform the modification of system, structure and components of a nuclear reactor after meeting the modification requirement.4. InspectionInspection for the regulatory control to ensure the site, construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear reactor licensing requirement are complied with, are performed by BAPETEN. Those inspections are performed (periodically or incident, with or without any notification) by inspectors who are appointed and dismissed by the chairman of BAPETEN.5.

ConclusionIndonesia is already prepares the new licensing system for nuclear reactor by issued Government Regulation No. 43 Year 2006.Facing the first nuclear power plant construction, BAPETEN as soon as possible accelerates the establishment of regulations and guide to support the government regulations No. 43 Year 2006.REFERENCE1 Act No. 10/1997 on Nuclear Energy, BAPETEN, Indonesia, 1997.2 Government Regulation No. 43/2006 on Licensing of Nuclear Reactor, BAPETEN, Indonesia, 2006. Conceptual Design of On-line Based Licensing Review and Assesment Systemof Nuclear Installations and Nuclear Materials (“PRIBEN”)1. IntroductionAt the present Indonesia has no nuclear power plant in operation yet, although it is expected that the first nuclear power plant will be operated and commercially available in around the year of 2016 to 2017 in Muria Peninsula.

There are only three research reactors, one nuclear fuel fabrication plant for research reactors, and one experimental fuel fabrication plant for nuclear power, one isotope production facility and some other research facilities.All the facility is under Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) controlling through regulation, licensing and inspection. The organizations operation submits licensing application to BAPETEN before utilizing the facility. According to the regulation before BAPETEN give license they perform review and assessment for the utility application. Based on the review and assessment result, BAPETEN may stipulate, reject, delay or terminate the license.In anticipation of expansion of the nuclear program in Indonesia, BAPETEN should have an integrated and updated system for review and asses the licensing application. For this reason, an expert system for the review and asses the licensing application, so-called PRIBEN (Perizinan Reaktor, Instalasi dan Bahan Nuklir/Licensing of Reactor, Nuclear Installations and Nuclear Materials), is developed which runs on the online-based reality environment.

The “PRIBEN” are information management system application (relational database management system- RDBMS) for integrated and online licensing activity of reactors, nuclear installations, and nuclear materials for the entire stake holder which is related with the licensing process. This application is developed and designed based on graphic interface with modular system.

This application is flexible and easier for more advances developing in near future.2. Scope and Objective of PRIBEN“PRIBEN” monitoring are for research reactor, non reactor nuclear installations, personnel certification, package certification validation and power reactor, especially for site licensing.“PRIBEN” basic data systems have several objectives:.

a. To create a homogenate and integrated licensing process;. b.

To make easier licensing process which is conducted by several personnel together in on time and integrated;. c. To make easier tracking system for all the licensing process which is have been perform, on going, and will be conducted so the position/condition of an activity could know in every moment fast and correct. d. To assure all the activity and administration of licensing process is documented and record systematically.3. The Structure and Construction of “PRIBEN”3.1.

Basic Concept of ” PRIBEN”“PRIBEN” is design with comprehensive and integrated because it’s connected online to all available transaction in every activity of BAPETEN. Here are the activities:a. Licensing Registration (New, Renewal, Modification, Incident/Accident)b. Planning and Evaluation:. Preliminary evaluation. Internal and coordination meeting.

Final evaluation and Stipulated of decisionc. Recording and documentation of evaluation process.“PRIBEN” composed of 3 (three) modules as shown in fig. The modules are:. a. Master Data. b.

Operational. c.Publishing/Stipulate/ReportFig 1. The structure of PRIBEN Modules3.2. Application and Display of “PRIBEN”PRIBEN is relational database.

It is design using PHP and MySQL database script application. 2 shows the screen of PRIBEN for research reactor. In the left there are several available menus for application:a. Main Facilityb.

Support Facility, andc. Independent Study (as a refreshment for beginner evaluator)For example, if we choose research reactor then we can click the research reactor box in menu in the left of the screen (see fig.2.) Indonesia only have 3 (three) research reactor so there are only 3 option to choose. Then if we want to choose PRSG-MPR Reactor in Serpong then click “MPR 30MWth, Serpong” so we will see other screen, etc.After we enter the MPR 30MWth, Serpong in the right of the screen we will see beside general specification, we can see also 4 (four) button:. 1. Button OPERATION STATUS, to show a licensing process including the Report for Result of Review and Assessment (LHE), if available.

2. Button NUCLEAR MATERIALS, to show a status process of nuclear materials in facilities which are related with the LHE, if available. 3. Button REPORT, to show status of report from facilities which is related with the daily report or incident/accident report (incident reporting system). 4. ABSTRAKKAJIAN PERMASALAHAN PERIZINAN ‘TENORM’ DI PROVINSI BANGKA DAN BELITUNG. Perizinan pemanfaatan bahan nuklir khususnya TENORM terhadap perusahaan pengolahan timah di Provinsi Bangka-Belitung, permasalahan dan tantangannya bagi BAPETEN disajikan dalam makalah ini.

Sosialisasi mengenai tata cara dan persyaratan perizinan pemanfaatan bahan nuklir telah diberikan sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 64 tahun 2000 tentang Perizinan Pemanfaatan Tenaga Nuklir telah banyak dilakukan, namun belum mencapai tingkat efektivitas yang diharapkan. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan cukup banyaknya perusahaan penghasil dan pemanfaat TENORM di Provinsi Bangka Belitung yang belum memiliki izin pemanfaatan bahan nuklir (TENORM). KAJIAN TERHADAP PELAKSANAAN EVALUASI KESELAMATAN PERMOHONAN PERSETUJUAN EKSPERIMEN PADA REAKTOR PENELITIAN DI INDONESIAABSTRAKKAJIAN TERHADAP PELAKSANAAN EVALUASI KESELAMATAN PERMOHONAN PERSETUJUAN EKSPERIMEN PADA REAKTOR PENELITIAN DI INDONESIA. Telah dilakukan evaluasi keselamatan terhadap permohonan persetujuan eksperimen pada RSG GA Siwabessy, Reaktor TRIGA 2000. Evaluasi keselamatan ditujukan untuk menjamin bahwa eksperimen yang dilakukan tidak akan memiliki dampak pelepasan zat radioaktif ke pekerja, masyarakat dan lingkungan hidup. Persetujuan ekperimen yang telah diterbitkan pada reaktor TRIGA 2000 adalah persetujuan uji cicip panas.

KESIAPAN EVALUASI PERIZINAN TAPAK DALAM RANGKA MENYONGSONG ERA PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA NUKLIR (PLTN) DI INDONESIAAbstrakKesiapan Evaluasi Perizinan Tapak Dalam Rangka Menyongsong Era Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN) Di Indonesia. Cadangan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) semakin menipis dan semakin tinggi harganya di pasaran dunia, opsi pemanfaatan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN) telah diperhitungkan untuk ikut serta memenuhi permintaan tenaga listrik melalui jaringan listrik nasional. Dalam menghadapi pembangunan dan pengoperasian PLTN tersebut, BAPETEN sebagai Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir melakukan penyiapan infrastruktur pengawasan PLTN baik berupa pembentukan peraturan, perizinan, review dan penilaian, inspeksi dan penegakan hukum sesuai dengan yang diamanatkan pada UU 10 tahun 1997 tentang ketenaganukliran. Makalah ini menguraikan tentang pengawasan BAPETEN dalam pembangunan dan pengoperasian PLTN. Pembahasan tentang proses review dan penilaian untuk memastikan dipenuhinya persyaratan izin pembangunan dan pengoperasian PLTN dalam rangka penerbitan izin sesuai regulasi ketenaganukliran, dan pertimbangan norma dan praktek internasional. Pada akhirnya pembangunan dan pengoperasian PLTN dapat terjamin keselamatannya terhadap pekerja, masyarakat dan lingkungan hidup.Keyword: PLTN, Peraturan KetenaganukliranAbstractThe Preparation on Evaluation Site Permit on welcoming the era of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) in Indonesia.The oil fuel supply is getting low and high price in world market, The option using Nuclear power plants have been considered to answer Indonesia electrical demand.This paper describes BAPETEN’s regulatory control on the establishment and operation of nuclear power plants.

The discussion on the review and assessment process is provided to ensure the compliance on the license requirements for the establishment and operation of nuclear power plants in accordance with nuclear regulation, as well as international norm and practice. Futhermore the safety operation of NPP for worker, people and evironment from radioactive release.Keyword: NPP, Nuclear regulationsPENDAHULUANSejalan dengan perkembangan pembangunan nasional, peningkatan kemajuan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan rakyat secara keseluruhan maka mau tidak mau akan memerlukan energi dalam jumlah besar.

Kebutuhan energi antara lain berupa energi listrik yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber pembangkitan misalnya dari pusat listrik tenaga air, pusat listrik tenaga minyak, dan termasuk pusat listrik tenaga nuklir.

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