Shiraz Signature Keygens

  1. Shiraz Signature Keygen

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Shiraz Signature Keygen

Shiraz signature keygenKeygen

2014 Signature Cabernet SauvignonFull-bodied and lush, our Signature Cabernet Sauvignon is a great representation of the “King” of red wines. Dark stone fruits, herbs and tobacco intertwine for complexity and depth. The wine has a long, supple finish gained from long periods of barrel and bottle aging. FOOD PAIRINGSEnjoy our Signature Cabernet Sauvignon alongside beef tenderloin, grilled lobster tail or dark chocolate cake. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSVarietal Content 80% Cabernet Sauvignon; 20% MerlotAppellation North CarolinaTime in Barrel 15 monthsType of Oak French Oak, Allier Forest, Medium ToastAlcohol 13.5%Residual Sugar 0%. 2015 Signature MerlotSmoky bouquets emanate from our Signature Merlot. A harmonious mix of black cherries and stone fruits are accented by cedar and spice.

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Shiraz signature keygen

This medium-bodied red wine has a pleasingly smooth finish on the palate. Food PairingSignature Merlot shows nicely alongside stuffed peppers, huevos rancheros, chicken Parmesan and wild rice. Technical SpecificationsVarietal Content 75% Merlot, 25% Cabernet SauvignonAppellation North CarolinaTime in Barrel 15 monthsType of Oak French Oak, Allier Forest, Medium ToastAlcohol 15.1%Residual Sugar 0% AccoladesGold – North Carolina State Fair Wine Competition 2015Silver – Mid-Atlantic Southeastern Wine Competition 2015.

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