Bufr Decoding Software
Doug Schuster Gregg Walters September 10, 2010 Updated 09 October 2013 Kevin Manross USING THE BUFR DECODING SOFTWARE FOR UPPER AIR DATA IN THE NCAR RDA DATASET DS351.0 (NCEP ADP GLOBAL UPPER AIR OBSERVATIONS, DAILY OCT1999-CONTINUING) Here is a list of the bufrdecode sub-directories and their descriptions. Bufrobs Use to hold BUFR data files for the dumpbufr.x decoder.
There is a README which describes how to handle some machine dependencies. Configs Has a few sample configuration files, to be read by the BUFR decoder, plus a descriptive template. Docs Contains files showing some basic parameter mnemonics and a link to recent NCEP BUFR tables. Exe Where the install places the decoder executables.grabbufr- No longer needed install Has a shell script for compiling and installing BUFR decoders.
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Lib NCEP BUFR decoder support library - mostly FORTRAN source code, plus a few C source codes. Includes its own setup script 'makebufrlib.sh' which is called from within install/install.sh so you shouldn't need to run it, but may if you like. Src Two FORTRAN BUFR decoder source code files. A flexible, user configurable program plus a simple dumping program.
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Textobs Used to receive text files generated by the decoders. All directories (except 'textobs') contain their own README files. The following text lists the steps necessary to build the software and decode the BUFR data.
Steps include preparing the decoder software, preparing the input files, preparing the configuration files, and finally running the decoder software. PREPARING THE DECODER SOFTWARE: -To compile the BUFR libraries and extraction code, go to the 'install' directory and execute the install.sh script to complete the compilations. Note: install.sh is set to use 'gfortran' as the compiler and linker. This is tested and works for linux (including Mac/Darwin variants), but may need adjusted for other operating systems. The executables will be placed in the 'exe' directory.
You could copy them to an arbitrary directory, notably your bin, where they could be executed from anywhere. Bufrdecode/exe/bufrupprair.x: used to make a selective dump from: gdas.adpupa.tHHz.YYYYMMDD.bufr files gdas.aircft.tHHz.YYYYMMDD.bufr files gdas.satwnd.tHHz.YYYYMMDD.bufr files gdas.aircar.tHHz.YYYYMMDD.bufr files bufrdecode/exe/dumpbufr.x: used to dump all contents of a BUFR file. PREPARING THE INPUT FILES: -Place your downloaded files, which have the naming structure 'gdasupaobs.yyyymmdd.tar.gz', in the bufrobs directory.Run the 'exe/preprocess.csh' script to untar files in bufrobs directory.All individual BUFR files are extracted and placed in the 'BUFROBS' directory.File names must appear in the following format to proceed further: gdas.adpupa.tHHz.YYYYMMDD.bufr (radiosondes and pibals) gdas.aircft.tHHz.YYYYMMDD.bufr (aircraft) gdas.satwnd.tHHz.YYYYMMDD.bufr (satellite winds) gdas.aircar.tHHz.YYYYMMDD.bufr (aircar) 3. PREPARING THE CONFIGURATION FILE: -Go to the 'configs' directory for default configuration examples, and instructions on how to build your configuration file.Copy the completed configuration file into the 'bufrobs' directory. The name of the production configuration file needs to be 'bufrupprairconfig'.Ensure that the configuration file includes the names of all BUFR files that you would like to be operated on. RUNNING THE DECODER SOFTWARE: -To decode the BUFR data according to the instructions in your configuration file, go into the 'bufrobs' directory and execute './exe/bufrupprair.x' -To generically dump output from an individual file, go into the 'bufrobs' directory and execute './exe/dumpbufr.x'.
Bufr Decoder Software
From here you will be prompted to enter the name of the file from which you would like all output to be dumped. Additional information.
Downloading the RDADB ds351.0 BUFR data files is supported from the 'Data Access' tab near the top of the ds351.0 home page RDA ds351.0 file names have the form: gdasupaobs.yyyymmdd.tar.gz. Individual BUFR files must be extracted from the tar.gz files for use with the decoders. This can be done after files are copied to the 'bufrobs' directory, by editing and running the 'exe/preprocess.csh' shell script. Linux users NO LONGER NEED to preprocess BUFR files using the 'grabbufr' tool. The included BUFRLIB (v10.2.3 or greater) handles endian-ness internally.