Age Of Mythology The Base Product Must Be Installed Before


This is driving me insane!!! First off, I have almost NO idea how to do all this tech stuff, so please try to simplify it as much as possible.

Age Of Mythology The Base Product Must Be Installed Before

Age Of Mythology The Base Product Must Be Installed Before

I have Windows Vista and have installed AoM at least 2-3 times before and it worked PERFECTLY. But just today, after getting a strange feeling to play it, I tried installing it. It installed fine, then I installed the expansion pack and it installed fine. Then, when I tried to play it, it showed the beginning cutscene then it blacked out and went back to my desktop and said that MXSML 4.0 is not installed correctly (not sure if that's exactly what it said, but that's what it meant) So after googling to find out what the heck that is, I downloaded one of them that seemed most likely to work and everything went smoothly and it immediately updated to 4.0. Then, when I tried to play, it did the same thing. Serial actress durga wedding.

I tried rebooting the computer, updating the game, reinstalling the game, uninstalling then installing again. NOTHING worked. I'm completely stumped. Please help me! Found this on the Web, you could also try as well going into safemode by tapping F8 on startup.'

You must use Windows Explorer and UAC must be enabled. You will get severalUAC prompts when trying to modify system files. If UAC is disabled you wouldhave to use the icacls command in a command prompt. It's much morecomplicated. In Windows Explorer browse to the file. Right click it and pickProperties.

On the Security tab click on Advanced. Change the owner toyourself. You may have to reboot or logoff then logon. You should now beable to change the security settings.'

Archived from groups: Hi all.need a little help.I have installed Age Of Myth which runs fine butthen when I go to install the Titians Expansion is comes up with the errorthat I need to install the base product first?(Which I have)I have had it working a while ago but upgraded windows to xp and the onlythig I diferently was to change the install dir for Age Of Myth to anotherpartition as I wasnt to keep all my games this one?Does this have to be installed on C drive?seems a little odd think it wouldjust search all drives for the game?Thanks for any help. Archived from groups: Doesn't have to be installed on C drive but should NOT be installed to aroot folder. Example would be to install to E:GamesAoM, not simplyE:AoM.

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