Installing Jade Empire In Style Mod

  1. Installing Jade Empire In Style Mod 1
Installing Jade Empire In Style Mod

Jade Empire: Special Edition Game Guide JADE EMPIRE7.00THE WAY OF THE MODDERSpecial EditionInformation in this section applies only to the PC version of Jade Empire.Jade Empire uses a lot of the file formats used in NWN and KotOR and there arealready tools for extracting and messing with the data files in Jade Empire.Additionally, JE uses the same 'override' folder used by NWN and KotOR toquickly and easily override game files with new files. In fact, a defaultinstallation of JE Special Edition includes a full override folder, whichindicates all the data files were ported over directly from the Xbox and thenthe new files needed for SE are simply stuck in override.In any case, this is not intended to be a definitive tutorial on modding JadeEmpire. The mod scene for JE is still nascent; however, there is already somediscussion on the official JE forums on Bioware's Web site:for topics with 'modding' in the title.

As of this writing (2007-05-22),there are two modding threads in that forum:discussion is also taking place on Lucasforums' Outlander Club. The JEmodding thread is at:of the mods happening right now are text mods-making changes to the 2dafiles that control most of the game logic. 2da stands for 2-dimensional arrayand is Bioware's space-separated values format for maintaining simple tables.It is also possible to write your own scripts or modify some of the existingscripts to effect changes in the game.Before you get started, you should download a Modder's Pack I put together:need the free 7-Zip (or the non-free WinRAR(to extract the archive.All mods to JE are included in the game by placing the modded files into the/override folder in your main JE program folder. If you are writing customscripts, you'll also have to find a way to call those scripts during programexecution.It should go without saying; but, must be said:.BACK UP YOUR OVERRIDE FOLDER!.DON'T DO ANYTHING UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!.MOD AT YOUR OWN RISK!.(See the disclaimer in the Legal section at the end of this guide.)To edit 2da files, you'll need a text editor.

You can use Notepad, but a goodtext editor is probably a better bet. There are two free text editors that canbe recommended:Crimson Editor:non-free, but worth-every-penny, text editor is UltraEdit:2da (text) file is in the following format:. A header line defining the 2da format version:2DA V2.0. A blank line. A line of column names; every column but the first is named:LabelStart EndIdleVFXGuiVFXGuiRoomIdleAnim.

The rows of data. Each row begins with a row number, starting at 0. Data canbe separated by one or more spaces. A set of four asterisks (.) indicatesNULL or unavailable data:6 VeryGood230 255169. aeg7 89Numbers in the 2da file frequently refer to row numbers in other 2da files.Links between 2da files are coded into the program itself and are not explicitin the 2da files; i.e. You'll have to figure out links yourself.A more complete description of the 2da format is available here:is beyond the scope of this guide to teach you how to write and compileyour own scripts.

Suffice it to say that scripts in JE are almost identical tothose used in NWN and KotOR, so scripting tutorials for those games will teachyou what you need to know. To compile a script source (.nss) into a script(.ncs), put the script source, any include files, nwscript.nss and nwnnsscompin the same folder.

Open a command line interface in that folder (you shouldget the Command Line Here Powertoy for Windows XP). On the command line, typenwnnsscomp -gc nameofscript.nssPut your script into /override.

If you are editing an existing script, itshould work automatically. If you wrote a custom script, you'll have to find away to call it during program execution. Doing that is beyond the scope ofthis guide.Unfortunately, all of the script compilers that work for Jade Empire requireeither NWN or KotOR (1 or 2) be installed on your PC. There is one compilerfloating around the 'Net that does not have that requirement; however, itthrows numerous syntax errors the other compilers do not.Here are some simple, yet useful, mods you can make. Most of these mods areavailable in a mod pack:need 7-Zip or WinRAR to extract the mods.Level Up Faster-The file 'levelxp.2da' has the experience point requirements for each level.It contains XP requirements up to level 32.

Installing Jade Empire In Style Mod 1

The row numbers are the levels andthere is one column with the XP required to reach that level. Since everylevel gain in JE is simply more stat/skill points to spend, you can add levelsbeyond 32 and also lower the number of XP required for each level. This is aneasy way to make a powerhouse character if you're into that sort of thing.Add Rhino Demon Transformation Style-The Rhino Demon style is in the game whether you purchased the special pre-order or not. All you have to do is edit a single 2da file so the scriptgranting the style is given you at the appropriate place. (The whole 'bonus'you get from pre-ordering is this one 2da file on a CD. Whoopee.) Open'artown.2da' and look for row 35:35 afterchapterscreenYou need to change the script (seventh) column (sixth set of asterisks.)toj00ltirhinoYou'll have to start a new game to get the style.Add Other Combat Styles-You can edit the script that adds the Rhino Demon Transformation style and addadditional styles to your repertoire at the beginning of the game. See here:j00ltirhino.nss and j00ltirhino.ncs in your /override folder and movethem to wherever you're keeping your modded files.

Make sure you put a copy ofthese original files into a backup folder. Open the.nss file in a text editorand scroll down toward the bottom of the file. You'll see a line like this:DelayCommand(3.0, RewardStyle(105));This is the function that adds combat style #105 (Rhino Demon) to your stylelist. All you have to do to add more styles at the beginning of the game is toduplicate that line and change the numbers. You can find the numbers instylesuperlist.2da. Not all styles work, and some styles crash your game. Fourfun styles that are otherwise unavailable and work well are Monkey Paw, singleSaber, Double Hammers and Death's Hand's swords.

The numbers for those stylesare 22, 46, 48 and 82. So add these four lines to j00ltirhino.nss:DelayCommand(3.0, RewardStyle(22));DelayCommand(3.0, RewardStyle(46));DelayCommand(3.0, RewardStyle(48));DelayCommand(3.0, RewardStyle(82));Compile the script and place the new.ncs file into /override. Make sureyou've modified artown.2da as instructed in Add Rhino Demon above. Start anew game and you should get your new styles as soon as you finish the fightwith Jing Woo.Wield Tien's Justice-Open StyleAdvance.2da and find lines 36 and 37, labeled (respectively) asStaff2 and MonkZheng. Make the last three columns (Weapon, NameOverride andDescOverride) of line 36 match line 37.

When you buy Flawless from theblacksmith in Imperial City, you'll get Tien's Justice with, as a bonus, theextra damage of Flawless. The same thing can be done with the Demon Staff,which is line 92.There are more complex things you can do; however, they are beyond the scopeof this guide. Refer to the modding discussions on Bioware's and Lucasarts'Web sites.CombatCharactersWalkthrough.

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Each paragraph must be spoiler tagged separately or these tags won't work. I've never played Jade Empire before so prior to starting I decided to look at some mods. I've already heard how the gay relationships got shafted so I was going to install the gay cutscene mod plus some texture mods and then I learned of 'Jade Empire in Style'.The main problem is that having never played the game before I don't understand a lot of what the is saying. That's why I wanted to ask. For a first playthrough, would you recommend this mod or only after going through in vanilla combat once?I know some people say that no matter how good a mod is all first playthroughs should be vanilla, but I disagree. If a mod is objectively better (Unofficial patches, Restored Content Mod) then I am happy to play with it first time, but I'm not sure how good this mod is.

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